Friday, September 08, 2006

happy friday

ok.. so i love fridays!! i get out of school at 2:15 instead of 3:10 and i only have three classes. plus i have a 40 minute free period. i guess we have a game today because the cheerleaders did a little routine thing at break, but no one announced the game so i'm super confused. plus everyone was wearing red (our school colors are red and white). i was wearing a red shirt but that was totally coincidental.. you would think that being on leadership i would be in the loop but i guess not..
anyway, last night i told my last years teacher that i'm gay. i didn't tell her in person or over the phone, i told her in an email. on tuesday when i helped her out i said things that i felt needed an explination so i told her. so today when i got home i checked my email and she had responded. well of course everything was fine because..she is gay too.. which i've known but it was still kinda weird telling her. i'm totally glad i told her and i can't wait until i see her on tuesday. so ya.. that's really all that's happened...oh.. i did end up writing about how i'm gay for that essay thing.. but my teacher won't give it back.. he says he wants to use them as a dignostic so i don't know if we're ever going to get them back. i really wanted to see his reaction. anyway, i have a 35 mile bike ride this weekend so i hope it doesn't get too hot.. but i wish it would warm up a bit., i'm freezing!! i mean jeez i live in cali.. it should be warm and sunny.. but once my jersey's done drying i'll take a picture of it. it's very jewish, which makes sense since the people i'm riding with are all jewish. i don't mind.. it was just kind of a shock. so GO MITZVAH MILERS!!!!

1 comment:

dacharmedone said...

your teacher seem cool and wow what a long bike ride. i would die after one mile cause im that lazy. haha.