Friday, September 29, 2006


i've ment to post.. but then i don't. school is getting kinda boring. my mom came home from back to school night and said "nikki, i hate your spanish teacher" first time in 15 years that she's ever said that. ya.. the guy sucks, unfortunatly this year he decided to try and teach us something. whatever, he ignores me, i sit there and rarely raise my hand and guess what the guy never calls on me. whatever, more time for me to just sit and day dream. hmm.. oh, my english teacher has been gone for 3 out of the 4 weeks we've been in school. we don't know where he is, no one is telling us anything, we just have subs and don't learn anything. and homecoming might be cancelled. personally i don't care but i've never had all too much school spirit. theres this girl in my student gov. class who is obsessed with homecoming happening just like it always has, but the administration won't let us. i won't be there on monday too listen to more agruing between the administration, leadership class, and student body. we had a bunch of people come in and interupt our "class" to tell us that we suck. it was actually very entertaining almost as good as when they let us run around the school for 90 min. for "leadership boot camp".
that's what has been going on with me. all in all it's pretty boring. i got a mild concusion on wed. 20th so i haven't been able to take tests because i guess i messes up part of my brain cause i can't remember things all too well.. which sucks. i have like 10 tests to make up. anyway, monday's yom kippur, happy fasting... for all who will be fasting. i will.
i started work, i'm TAing in a fourth grade class at my synagogue's hebrew school. it's not that bad as long as they keep me with that class, cause i get to work with my friend. it was funny, someone called me during class and my pants start buzzing and my friend was the only who notices and we was like 3 people away, the teacher was oblivious which is good cause.. well i want to get paid. anyway, my other friend works there and we drive together so it's not bad, and they know not to put me in my sisters class because all hell would break loose. oh, i met a girl that has my hebrew name, which has never happened before. so it's super confusing when he says it because it's the name i'm most used to hearing in that setting.
ok i'm done rambling, enjoy you weekend and happy yom kippur. i don't think i spelled that right by the way.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Next Summer

i love school, i always have and probably always will. but, i also love the summer. i live going to band camp and hanging out with friends without having to worry about studying. this summer my friend emailed me saying that she was going to Australia with this group and of course i wanted to go, cause well i've always wanted to go there. but to go with the program you had to get nominated by an alumni of the program. someone nominated me and i'm now eligible to go, all i have to do is get two teacher recommendations and go to an interview. it sounds hecka fun, you get to go snorkeling in a reef and all this other totally awesome stuff. now i'm all excited for the summer, i just want to fast forward through school and have it be summer so i can find out if i get to go to Australia. has anyone participated in a people to people program? anyway, back to my homework...

Friday, September 08, 2006

happy friday

ok.. so i love fridays!! i get out of school at 2:15 instead of 3:10 and i only have three classes. plus i have a 40 minute free period. i guess we have a game today because the cheerleaders did a little routine thing at break, but no one announced the game so i'm super confused. plus everyone was wearing red (our school colors are red and white). i was wearing a red shirt but that was totally coincidental.. you would think that being on leadership i would be in the loop but i guess not..
anyway, last night i told my last years teacher that i'm gay. i didn't tell her in person or over the phone, i told her in an email. on tuesday when i helped her out i said things that i felt needed an explination so i told her. so today when i got home i checked my email and she had responded. well of course everything was fine because..she is gay too.. which i've known but it was still kinda weird telling her. i'm totally glad i told her and i can't wait until i see her on tuesday. so ya.. that's really all that's happened...oh.. i did end up writing about how i'm gay for that essay thing.. but my teacher won't give it back.. he says he wants to use them as a dignostic so i don't know if we're ever going to get them back. i really wanted to see his reaction. anyway, i have a 35 mile bike ride this weekend so i hope it doesn't get too hot.. but i wish it would warm up a bit., i'm freezing!! i mean jeez i live in cali.. it should be warm and sunny.. but once my jersey's done drying i'll take a picture of it. it's very jewish, which makes sense since the people i'm riding with are all jewish. i don't mind.. it was just kind of a shock. so GO MITZVAH MILERS!!!!