Wednesday, August 16, 2006


ok, at least at my school there are obvious cliques but i don't think it's all too bad. for me it's kinda weird because i have a bunch of friends from elementary school who i'm still very good friends with. but i guess clique wise i would fall into the geek/nerds/band dorks. i mean even though i love sports i haven't been able to play for like 2 years because of a knee injury so i wouldn't be a jock. i'm NOT a cheerleader. i'm not punk or goth. i hang out with a bunch of drama people but i'm not into drama, i don't act or sing. so, to be able to hang out with them i do stage crew or do sound. maybe senoir year i'll be stage manager.
anyway, i was on leadership this past year (student government) and i met a bunch of people who in past years i didn't get along because we were in "different cliques" and i guess it really made me realize that even the most unlikely people can become good friends.
i think seperating people in school by cliques is kinda stupid, but someone told me once that as humans we feel the need to catagorize everyone into groups. i'm still not sure if thats what i believe but i think in terms of cliques it makes sense. what do you think of cliques? and what cliques are/were you in?


dacharmedone said...

i just hang with everyone so i didnt have a clique.

Kika said...


Eve said...

In High School I hung out with the artsy people... now I just hang out with everyone. In college I became friends with people I'd never thought I'd click with!