Thursday, July 27, 2006

You Know Who You Are....

Finally i've met people like me, they understand me, what i'm going through. They're "strangers" but i feel connected to them. The've become my close friends. I trust them, more than anyone. I love them all, they mean the world to me. Some aren't like me but they understand and accept me. I can't imagine not being able to talk to them. I would be so alone. They make me feel normal again. Other's just don't understand or they try and fail. Strangers. Friends. They're all the same. Friends were once strangers.

Thanks for listening to me rant and stuff. I love you guys.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

well... ya.. in common is good. i meant i've met a bunch of coffee drinkers.. and i haven't met anyothers that i know of.. excluding my teacher, cousin, and all you people...