Friday, July 28, 2006


racism, sexism, homophobia
everyone judges, everyone disagrees
gay marriage. pro? con?
women in power. pro? con?
segregation. pro? con?
america free?
we've battled them all
racism, sexism, homophobia
now the question,
how are gay people different?
they are in love with one another
prejudice. stereotypes. discrimination.
america, land of the free?

(this one i have no idea why i wrote it.. i guess its about how america isn't really "the land of the free" kinda obvious though...)

New Me

slowly i drift away into the darkness
slipping away from the light
engulfed by the darkness
these feeling swallow me
clouding my judgement
when i look into the mirror
i see a girl, but is it me?
she smiles, i frown

(this one i guess is about realizing i was gay)


struggles. decisions. choices
i can't decide
i want to, but don't
i can't
i'm struggling. should i speak?
pictures float into my mind
i've told some
i want to scream. yell. shout.
i NEED to speak up

(this one's about coming out)


Finally. I'm happy with people like me
they understand what i'm going through
these "strangers"
became my best friends
i trust them
more than anyone
i love them
they mean the world to me
some aren't like me
they understand
accept me
life without them is
without them i would be so alone
they make me feel normal
others just don't understand
some try and fail
strangers, friends, all the same
friends were once strangers
and strangers become friends


So... some of you know that i was at a writing camp. here are some of the some of the poems.
ya.. i know i posted the first one yesterday but i changed it a bit. each poem will be its own post because that would be a VERY long post.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

You Know Who You Are....

Finally i've met people like me, they understand me, what i'm going through. They're "strangers" but i feel connected to them. The've become my close friends. I trust them, more than anyone. I love them all, they mean the world to me. Some aren't like me but they understand and accept me. I can't imagine not being able to talk to them. I would be so alone. They make me feel normal again. Other's just don't understand or they try and fail. Strangers. Friends. They're all the same. Friends were once strangers.

Thanks for listening to me rant and stuff. I love you guys.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

It's been a while

ok... and once again i'm back. god it's been crazy. school ended and i re decorated my room and cleaned it out. i also got a bunch of new furniture, i got a new desk chair, desk, and dresser. let me just tell you, my dresser kicks butt!!! i got back from band camp yesterday. it was a lot of fun, two weeks out in the middle of nowhere playing music for about 5-7 hours a day. ya, it's intense. i met a bunch of new people who rock and i will miss. this year we had a lot of down time where we hung out and read stuff, listened to music, sometimes practiced, and wrote letters. my friend made the coolest newspaper hat. which ended up not fitting her so she gave it to me and i love it. there was this girl in my unit who had SOO much guy drama it was kinda annoying. everyday she was madly in love with a new guy and he was causing some sort of drama. friends from previous years made up almost half our cabin which was awesome!!