Tuesday, March 06, 2007


wow.. it's been a while.. i kinda forgot about my blog.. i hate my job and school's gettin' lame. honestly the only reason i get up to go to school is to see my friends and cause i have to keep my grades up or my parents won't let me stay on the mountain biking team. let me just say, i love moutain biking, it has become my life. my coach is awesome and hot mtb girl is totally awesome. i love my team and just the feeling i get when i'm going downhill, flying on my bike. i'm pretty much totally out, except at work just cause it's a jewish thing and my synagogue isn't too big on the gay thing. my life is actually pretty boring. school, work, mtb practice/rides, hw, sleep, repeat.

i wish it was summer, then i could just kick back and relax and chill on skype all day. plus then i could mtb all day just like i want to do right now, but can't. i guess that's my life summed up in like 2 paragraphs.. i'm too tired to write more, plus my life's boring as fuck